Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Donate Your Blood - CCC
Diponegoro Health Festival 4th – Be Healthy Be Happy
Setiap individu berhak atas hidup yang sehat, karena kesehatan tidak mengenal usia, jenis kelamin maupun kelas sosial tertentu. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa kesehatan sangatlah penting bagi kita dan siapapun juga. Seperti pepatah asing yang mengatakan “Men sana in corpore sano”, yaitu jiwa yang kuat terdapat di dalam raga yang sehat. Itu berarti dengan sehat, kita bisa melakukan apapun. Selain itu, menjaga kesehatan raga bukanlah suatu hal yang sulit dan mahal, asalkan kita peduli pada kesehatan diri sendiri dan berusaha untuk menjaga pola hidup sehat. Tapi perlu kita sadari bahwa mewujudkan kehidupan yang sehat adalah kewajiban kita semua.
Bahagia akan kita rasa apabila tubuh terbebas dari penyakit. Oleh karena itu, menjaga kesehatan tubuh merupakan hal yang paling utama untuk dilakukan. Maka dari itu, HMJ Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, bermaksud mengadakan Diponegoro Health Festival 4th yang bertema “Be healthy Be Happy.” Dalam acara ini, seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Diponegoro serta masyarakat sekitar kampus dapat memeriksakan masalah kesehatannya sekaligus berkonsultasi seputar masalah kesehatan melalui fasilitas-fasilitas yang kami sediakan. Berikut ini jadwal kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam Diponegoro Health Festival 4th (DHF):
· Talkshow
Diselenggarakan pada hari Selasa, 18 Mei 2010 ,dengan tema :
“ Sehat Tanpa Makanan Jahat”
· Bazar Kesehatan
Diselenggarakan dua hari pada tanggal 18 dan 19 Mei 2010,
Pukul 09.00 -16.00 WIB
Organizing 102: Common Furlough Action Day #3!
The event is straightforward, yet crucial to our success. From 12-1 those of us with organizing experience will moderate discussion and train attendees on how to organize. From 1-2:30 we plan to go out and do the organizing: write the emails, set up the meetings, and talk to our colleagues. Doing can be a lot more scary than talking, but we won't have success, and we won't grow, if all we do as a union as talk. Finally from 2:30-3 we will debrief (with cookies, of course). There is a chance we will shorten this event so that it doesn't overlap with an AAUP event on the tenure process.
I look forward to hearing your thinking on the kinds of topics you want to see covered in Organizing 102. Don't work on your furlough day, organize to affect change... and most importantly, bring a friend!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
CFA Brown Bags on March 31st
What: CFA Workshops addressing organizing among the under-represented in the CFA, namely:
• contingent faculty,
• untenured tenure-track faculty
• women, and
• people of color
When: March 31st 12:00-1:30
7:00-8:30 (same program as 1:00 for those not free during the day)
Where: University YMCA 1001 S. Wright St.
More info contact: Kate or Siobhan:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Serah Terima Jabatan 2010
Acara Serah Terima Jabatan (SERTIJAB) HMJ Ilmu Komunikasi UNDIP kepengurusan 2010 dimulai sejak jam sepuluh pagi sampai jam satu siang. Acara diawali oleh perkenalan para Rookie (sebutan untuk temen-temen yang magang sebelum bergabung dalam HMJ) yang berjumlah 15 orang. Kemudian teman-teman HMJ kepengurusan 2010 juga ikut memperkenalkan diri diikuti oleh teman-teman HMJ kepengurusan 2009. Dalam acara perkenalan tersebut, teman-teman perwakilan dari kepengurusan 2009 juga berbagi cerita suka duka mereka selama setahun kemarin memegang amanah sebagai pengurus HMJ.
Selanjutnya, acara inti yaitu, penyerahan jabatan sebagai ketua HMJ dari Dena (Ketua HMJ 2009) kepada Ika (Ketua HMJ 2010) pun dimulai. Proses Sertijab sendiri diresmikan dengan penandatangan surat peralihan jabatan. Selain itu, secara simbolis, Dena selaku ketua HMJ sebelumnya juga memberikan kalung turun temurun ketua HMJ kepada Ika selaku ketua HMJ yang baru.
Berbagai permainan menarik pun ikut mendukung kehangatan acara. Masing-masing mahasiswa angkatan 2009, 2008, 2007, dan 2006 berkompetisi untuk memenangi tiap permainan. Kekompakan dan antusias dari tiap-tiap angkatan mulai terlihat. Terutama pada permainan makan lidi dan tebak gerak yang mengundang tawa geli tiap peserta yang hadir. Selain itu, sorak semangat dari tiap angakatan semakin besar saat permainan tebak lagu, masing-masing angkatan menunjukan kebolehannya agar bisa keluar sebagai pemenang.
Setelah berbagai permainan yang seru tadi, semua peserta acara Sertijab 2010 disuguhi makanan lezat ala seafood sembari menikmati pemandangan indah di Kebun Mulya. Selesai makan siang, acara dilanjutkan dengan karoke bersama. Sampai pada penutupan acara, semangat dari tiap peserta acara Sertijab masih tinggi. Sesudah acara ditutup, sesi foto bersama pun dimulai. Tiap-tiap angkatan, kepengurusan, dan departemen berfoto bersama.
Tampak Mesra, di permainan makan lidi
Monday, March 22, 2010
New on Kritik
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Let the legislators hear your voice in support of democratic public higher education.
Free buses will leave Champaign-Urbana at 8 a.m. Contact the CFA Office Co-ordinator for details
Or sign up for a spot on the bus via our on-line petition by visiting
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Shared Faculty Mission at UIUC?
Our discussions revealed some differences across disciplines. For example, the work of some faculty focuses on immediate contributions to society whereas others do work whose greatest contributions may only be appreciated in the future. More importantly, our conversations also revealed significant commonalities. These commonalities, and our discussions of them, helped clarify the components of what we believe is the university’s core mission.
Our discussions led to the drafting of a Shared Faculty Mission Statement, which is divided into two parts: (a) a description of our shared contributions; and (b) implications of our shared contributions for the future of the university. The version available on this blog is a draft version, which has been circulated to panel participants and is now open for comments from the University faculty community. Please post comments on this site (if you can) or e-mail comments to The final version of the statement will be transmitted to the University community, the president, the Board of Trustees, state legislators, and the public.
Shared Faculty Mission Statement
Shared Contributions
• The core contribution made by all faculty is to use their intellects in creative ways to generate knowledge, insight, beauty, wisdom, and practical products and applications that will make our campus, our community, the state of Illinois, and the world a better place in which to live.
o The ways in which faculty do this are remarkably varied. Here are only a few examples. Some faculty will create music that no one may be able to appreciate immediately, but which may be admired by thousands or even millions in years to come. Others may delve into agricultural production and consumption or engineering problem-solving with the goal of producing knowledge or other tangible products that will have an immediate impact, either locally or internationally. Other faculty do research, whether on the culture of a distant land or the biology of bees, that may not have an immediate impact, but which will prove to be remarkably useful at some future point in time for reasons we cannot currently even imagine. Many of us produce knowledge about our fields (be they in education, history, or the sciences) that is used to address inequities related to racism, sexism, or homophobia. But we also do research on topics that may attract little attention from the public at large, until and unless they have had the opportunity to participate in learning activities that excite new curiosities and interests.
• Through their teaching in the classroom, laboratory, and studio, their advising, and their sharing of their own creative work with students, faculty teach undergraduate, graduate, and professional students how to think critically, communicate effectively, engage the world around them, solve problems, and be thoughtful, productive citizens of this community, state, country, and the world.
o We teach 700 students at a time in some large survey courses, but we also give one-on-one training in skills that cannot be taught any other way. We teach students to appreciate chronologically, geographically, and culturally distant worlds they have never imagined, and the problems of people next door with whom they will need to work as fellow citizens. We train them in reading, writing, focused attention, collaborative work, and creative thinking they will need to succeed at work and with their neighbors – these are skills they will use to make their local communities, the state of Illinois, and the world a better place. We counsel our students with regard to the prospects of our professions and the skills they need to succeed there, and we grade their work in order to help them assess the level of their own skills. Finally, we instruct and learn from our colleagues across the globe through conferences, journal articles, and presentations, so we are able to bring the wealth of our fields’ knowledge to Illinois.
• Faculty help graduate and professional students reach an exceptional level of excellence in order to carry on, refine, and apply the knowledge that we create and disseminate. We work in labs, offices, classrooms, clinics, and libraries where graduate and professional students are trained and make vital contributions to the University and community.
• In addition to sharing their knowledge and skills with students, faculty engage in community outreach. The contributions made by faculty are not limited to the University of Illinois campus.
o For example, we talk to community groups, elder hostels, primary and secondary school classrooms and teachers about what our knowledge means to them. We reach out to many communities of lifelong learning and engagement. We provide free consultation and services. We serve on professional, business, and community organizations, from the local level to the international.
Implications of Shared Faculty Contributions for the Future of the University
• Given that the core contributions of faculty revolve around their ability and willingness to be creative, it follows that the key to a successful university is the establishment and maintenance of an environment that permits that creativity to flourish. This means that ideas must be able to flow freely — in research projects and applications of research; between faculty and students, among faculty and among students; across our global professional networks and down the street to a local reading group.
• Because we value the diverse ways in which we pursue, disseminate and apply knowledge, we value above all the varieties of creativity that the university promotes. For example, engineers and their students benefit from the opportunity to learn the skills of communication and group process from humanities and education professionals; humanists and their students benefit by the presence of scientists, engineers and policy specialists who are transforming the material foundations of our social, cultural and artistic networks. The different fields represented at the University of Illinois form an interdependent institution that cannot survive without supporting all of its parts. While groups of relatively homogeneous scholars and professionals, whether humanists at a liberal arts college or engineers at a technical institute, can make valuable contributions to society, the realization of the full potential of a university, as described above, depends on the ability of all fields to flourish.
• Given the diversity of contributions made to this common purpose by faculty who are experts in so wide an array of scholarly fields and teaching endeavors, we need shared governance to make sure that resources are distributed fairly, and that the contributions made by faculty in different disciplinary fields are judged by standards of value appropriate to those fields. Shared governance helps to preserve the clear, consistent, and permanent lines of communication among all members of the University community which are essential if we are to appropriately represent our respective contributions to our shared mission.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Opportunity to comment on budget
Friday, March 5, 2010
March 4 "Day of Action" success!
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