Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thots by the Assiniboine: Brandon University

On my way to Winnipeg, I passed by and through the city of Brandon, Manitoba on the banks of the now receding Assiniboine River. The site of flooding during the spring, the town is now beginning to approach normality, although there is still abundant evidence of their earlier troubles. The young lady at the Safeway deli told me they had to evacuate their stores for nearly two weeks as the town collectively held its breath while the waters peaked.

That river was up to mischief...

Brandon University is, to all appearances,  a growing school. Compared to  the aging infrastructure of  the University of Manitoba, there are encouraging signs of new construction and renovation activity across the campus.

When I popped into the Administration building, I do what I often do. I asked for promotional material. In otherwords, I was looking for an introductory booklet that would tell me something about the campus. Give me your best pitch. There was no such material. Instead, I was told to talk to the staff. 

new construction / renovations

When I asked about what sort of Christian clubs or resources there might be on campus for a new student , I was referred to the Student Union in the next building.

Outside the Admin and SUB.

Entering the attractive S U building, I asked if there were any Christian student clubs on campus. When asked why I wanted to know, I responded that I am asking as a parent. This is ,in fact, true. I have one boy in University. Another will be within a year. I have two girls coming. Allowance for the spiritual needs of students factors into our family’s decision making when it comes to choosing a post-secondary institution. I look at an institution through family as well as professional eyes. 

Immediately, someone responded by suggesting IVCF ( our very own James Perraux ( UCM@ UBCO) had an instrumental role in this group back in the day).  However, another young lady offered that she thought they were no longer active.  When I asked whether there was a chaplaincy on campus, there was none  they knew about.  If there is one, it is well below the radar. 

It occurred to me, walking away from BU that it doesn’t make sense from a free market (marketing)perspective for a university to not consider the spiritual needs or aptitudes of its students. It is something which their potential clientele would take into consideration in making institutional choices. Especially when it doesn’t cost the institution anything to provide these services. Indeed, if they wanted to counter the inroads ( competition)  of faith connected post-secondary institutions, one would think they would actually want to advertise the fact that spirituality is accommodated, if not  taken seriously. 

A university may claim that it is not 'in the business of religion'. Perhaps.... But  the emerging university also stresses that it should be about doing more than offloading information. It is to be about more than creating spokes  or cogs in a technological wheel. It is about the formation of people:   The development of citizens for whom the creation of a better world actually matters. 

The University of Victoria, several decades ago actually grasped this fact in its facilitation of a robust chaplaincy ( although it appears that this may soon change under the new breed of bureaucrats filling its administration). The University of Calgary would be an excellent example of this synergistic relationship. 

Actually, this last point is the grist for a future blog….  Additionally, for what it is worth… While a university  is also not in the business of coffee or entertainment –it makes room for both in the name of a well rounded post-secondary experience. Last year, when I went on a guided tour of York University, the tour guide announced with pride that the best thing about York was that it had SIX Tim Hortons on campus. Yup… The Best...


Moving on from Brandon, , it was fun to spend an evening with our intrepid missionary to the University of Manitoba,   Tammy Junghans and her family.

Tammy is a killer gardener..

Greg cooks a mean medium rare steak and their kids, Rachel, Curtis, Brianne and Steffy, were great company. They were preparing to leave on a Western Canada vacation trip themselves, but not too busy to be gracious and fun hosts. It was a refreshing stay.

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